Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bargain-format: Samsung NX11 digital camera system

The system cameras rely on high image quality in a compact format. If in addition it is an interesting price, they can be pure compact cameras for beginners is an alternative. Whether this is true for the Samsung NX11 digital camera system, says the digital camera comparisons.

Samsung NX11 is the digital camera system is currently for about 400 € with a 18-55 mm lens to buy. A price level that achieved high-quality compact cameras like the Canon Powershot G-series. Therefore gibts in the Samsung NX11 digital camera system at least one very large C-MOS image sensor with 14.6 megapixel resolution, the housing has dimensions of 12 x 9 inches and a depth of 4 centimeters. On the back there is a very noble and bright OLED screen with 614 000 pixels, and also the built-in electronic viewfinder has a resolution of 921 000 pixels and represents 100 percent of the subject. That's D-SLR level.

In various tests reached the Samsung NX11 digital camera system an average mark of 2.1. Here, the image quality up to ISO 800 was rated as good, and noise, the colors look very natural in the photos. With the Samsung NX11 digital camera system can also turn off the noise reduction, which, although in poor light conditions and still leads to good results, but already shows image noise above ISO 800. The peak is not, but good. When the shutter lag is the Samsung NX11 digital camera system with values between 0.3 to 0.5 seconds but fixed and quite snapshot suitability.

Introduced with the Samsung NX11 digital camera system was also the i-function-function: Behind the recruitment of photographic parameters such as aperture and shutter conceals the lens with the help of a ring. The eye can remain on the electronic viewfinder. In the continuous shooting speed, the Samsung NX11 system operates digital camera with up to 3.6 frames per second. Sounds indeed good. But after five shots is the end. In the video, HD movies are made, but audio is only recorded in mono.

A digital camera with a fairly good picture quality that can persuade price-performance ratio. Despite weaknesses in detail.

Title Post: Bargain-format: Samsung NX11 digital camera system
Rating: 100% based on 2069 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: the Wicaksonos Family

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