Monday, August 1, 2011

What is a portrait lens?

True to the name behind the portrait lens on a specially-tuned portrait photography lens for SLR cameras and system.

The need for such portrait lenses is relatively simple reason: Portrait shots of people working for the viewer to reality, and of course, especially when they are taken from a distance of between one and three meters. This distance is the interaction between ordinary people in everyday life. A frame-filling photo portrait accordingly requires an angle of 15-30 degrees. This value is well below the normal level of classical lenses, which ranked at about 45 to 55 degrees.

This does not mean that normal lenses from SLR cameras and systems are completely unsuitable for portraits - quite the contrary. In contrast, a use of wide angle lenses for portraits over short distances discourage clear: With such a working distance for a full-format portrait photo is far too low, leading to undesirable distortions in the form of an oversized nose and the infamous "moon face". In addition, short focal lengths complicate the selective cropping of a person by the classical depth of field effect in the background.

A normal camera with the standard format of 36 x 24 mm with a working focal length of between 80 and 135 mm. The presentation of such "small" telephoto lens is seen as largely free of distortion. In comparison, using medium format cameras slightly longer focal lengths.

In order to achieve the most natural reproduction, are one of the manufacturers portrait lenses various compromises: So, the user must take in, among other things sacrificing the edge sharpness and flatness of field into account.

Title Post: What is a portrait lens?
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Author: the Wicaksonos Family

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